Herb Gardening

Herb Gardening is a very enjoyable and relaxing hobby. It is a fairly inexpensive and not too time consuming. Most Herbs in the herb garden can be use for much more than aesthetics. There are several areas / types of Herb gardening, each of which requires different care and management these areas are:- culinary, aromatic, ornamental and medicinal.

Wednesday 22 August 2007

Planting A Herb Garden

The best place to start is with the herbs you will use most frequently. A lot of nurseries also recommend complimentary herbs that grow very well alongside each other. It is worthwhile remembering that herbs vary in size, and therefore may grow best in small containers, through to large gardens.

When you are starting to learn about herb gardening, it is recommended that you begin with something small – perhaps with a few simple herbs in a small pot, growing in full sun.

Two of the most important things to remember when growing herbs are:

- Herbs require lots of sunlight
- Herbs prefer well-drained soil

Most herbs require full or partial sun and generally flourish in these conditions. Likewise most herbs will not grow well in wet soil, or if they are over-watered. Resist the temptation to water your herbs too frequently. Every 2-3 days is usually sufficient; some herbs even prefer up to 7 days between watering. It is also recommended that a good quality potting mix is used for planting herbs.

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